Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Run, Oakley, RUNNNNNN!!!!!

I used to hate running.
Then I learned to tolerate it.
Then I learned to appreciate that I was able to run.
And NOW... I kinda like it.

Alright, let me explain to my fellow running haters-- I have not started to drink the runners kool- aid (Gatorade or various energy drinks)... I just really like the feeling I get after I finish my run.
I love getting on the treadmill and trying to beat my previous time. I love knowing exactly how far I have gone, and how many calories I am burning. I can burn soooooo much in an hour. You see, and this is the kicker... I don't like running outside! I love walking outside, but running --- I just want to stop. I see how far away something is and my breathing starts to catch and I get defeated. I can focus so much more on a treadmill.
I get on that treadmill, decide I am going to do something and I fucking do it.

On Sunday I decided I would try to run intervals for an hour. I was trying to run thru all my stomach cramps. Wouldn't you know it... it actually worked! I worked it out and I couldn't feel my cramps. Now, I am pretty sure that it is because I transferred the pain from my uterus to my heel -- where I was developing two lovely blisters -- but I felt so much better. I was able to push out 4.2 miles, walking the hills at a speed of 3.8 and running the flats! So every other minute I was running. My average mile time was a bit slower, because I walked the first mile to warm up. I didn't really decide to run until I got bored with it.
So yesterday, I got on that treadmill and promised myself I would improve my time... and I did!
This time I did 4.7 miles in an hour and burned 810 calories! My goal by next Sunday is going to be to get to 5 miles... then work my way on up to 6...
The only struggle I am really having in pushing myself is my breathing. I FREAK OUT when my breathing starts to catch. I have had too many asthma and panic attacks to make me feel OK when I start to gasp. My trainer says that this is the anaerobic zone that I need to be in to keep dropping the weight, so I am trying to push myself into it for longer. Struggling to breathe scares me and when I get scared, I get an attack. It's all about balance and building up strength in my lungs and trusting my body.

Running has become a new way for me to push myself. I find that the only way to keep from being bored at the gym is to challenge myself in my workouts. I am a competitive freak! I need to be challenged. When I am next to someone who can run more than me, it only makes me want to prove myself that much more. Thats the secret to my gym motivation. That and my iPod! Running with music is the BEST! I couldn't run without something that pumped me up, like my "ZUMBA" or "FUCKING DANCE" playlists on my iPod!
I have to have fun in my workouts, and the right music is KEY to that... no matter what I am doing!

So all of my runner friends, I officially tip my hat to you in defeat and realize what you have been talking about all these years. It will never be my favorite thing to do (Dancing will always be my #1 exersize) but I definitely enjoy it. You can remind me of this if I ever get off track and say "Running is stupid"... :)
I will say that the only way you will see me running a marathon is if there is a Zombie apocalypse. However, I would have to run and shoot a rifle at the same time. Maybe I'll have to practice that on the treadmill in a few weeks...

Wish me luck on getting to mile 6!!!

Love, LOVE and MORE LoVe!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are INCREDIBLE. An hour running on a treadmill?!??? I know veryyyy few people who can do that. You are amazing!!!!! :)
