Thursday, August 6, 2009

I am so excited!

So... you might be able to guess that I am feeling a lot like Jessie Spano right now (without the caffeine pills and amazing trip)! I have been on Lindora now for 2 and a half weeks and have lost about 12 pounds (I find out the actually number tomorrow- last Monday it was 10) and I am sooo excited about it.
Actually, that isn't the total truth. I don't think I am excited enough about the number going down yet because I have been here before. I also have the added thoughts that I lose more weight in the fist month than I will in the following. However, I am feeling good and very, very proud of myself.
The greatest thing has happened since I decided to restart my program. Makes for a good story- goes a little like this...

I was looking at my friend Bob's website (HI BOB!) all about his new weight loss journey. Well, he attended a Richard Simmons class! Now how friggin' rad is that?! I was so excited so I asked him about the classes, I didn't even know he taught here, and he gave me the info and onto I went. 
I told Sherry right away that she didn't know it but we were going to the Richard Simmons class that Saturday. Being that Sherry is one of the coolest, most supportive, people I know she was totally game! 
Anyways, we went Saturday morning and the butterflies were a-twitterin'. Before going we had heard that the auditions for the next "Sweatin' to the Oldies" would be taking place after the class. However, neither of us really had any intentions of working out and then staying for an audition! We get to the class before the workout- Its a type of support group, led by Richard, on Saturday mornings. I noticed Richard looking at me, and I could tell her was trying to remember is he had seen me before. So Sherry and I are sitting there, next to Richard and he asks us who we are( He is the sweetest, cheekiest guy ever). He looks at me and says "Well now, don't you look like one of us?!" and then proceeds to ask me if I was going to audition for the video. I made some awkward noise indicating I had no idea... I was really nervous about working out for the first time in forever- let alone auditioning for a video afterwards... and he just gave me a funny "Imma get you to stay" look.
The class was so motivating; there are men and women that have lost so much weight and have kept it off. One of the gents has lost over 250 pounds! It really is so amazing to be around people who have found a way to overcome this demon. We finished up the class and got right in place for the workout. The class was super crowded, but luckily one of my new friends, Tobie, told me to get a spot next to the fan on the left. We got a spot and started sweating. It was awesome... and really hard. But its so fun to think "I'm working out with Richard Simmons right now" and he is so motivating that I just kept going... not to say I didn't think about dyeing ever now and then. The moves aren't all that hard, but doing them non-stop and going right into them when I am not familiar with the choreography was definitely a challenge. I found myself laughing out loud more than ever before in a workout... like when Richard drops his pants and screams. It is quite entertaining. For those wondering- yes he does have then energy in person that you see on TV... it is AMAZEBALLS.
We finished up the workout- after weights and sit ups AND push ups- with Richard giving a motivating talk. Got a little teary eyed, and I am not ashamed to admit it! :)
Sherry and I might have felt a little tired... you know- like death. So we decided we were going to take our pictures with Richard (yes, he stays after every class to take pictures with everyone) and bounce our tired asses home to eat some food.
Well, when we were taking our pictures Richard looks at Bob and says, "Oh, you know your friend here is staying for the audition". Well... Sherry and I decided that there would be no other time in the world to audition for a Richard Simmons video by personal request of the man himself. So we stayed. O-M-G was I tired!! ---- no question about it... by the time we got into the room to audition I was exhausted! The routine we learned was simple but challenging because we had to do it over, and over, and over again. By the final time I wanted to shoot myself... and Richard pointed me out for not being tight enough on the moves. Needless to say, it was great fun but I wanted to go home and crash.

I never thought anything would come of it. Anything besides my coming back to work out at Slimmons again. However, I was surprised to find out I was wrong and I had gotten "the call" that has helped make me a very happy person. I was chosen to be in "Sweatin' the the Oldies 5".
It still seems very strange to me, I really thought I had no chance of making it in the video... and I really just did it for fun. But it couldn't have come at a better time in my life. It's God giving me another motivational tool! 
I went back to class the night I heard and Richard was so sweet to me, "Are you sooo excited?!" Hell yes I was... but I was still a little dumbfounded. I really didn't know what to think of it other than how fun and crazy it was.
Now... I can really say I am so thankful for this opportunity. It is such a blessing. I am loving the classes and I am loving being around someone who has devoted his life to just helping people.

This may be a little premature- but he told me he has also chosen me to be in his infomercial. Again, super flattering and exciting! I get even more support on this journey and another tool to help me in life. I am so excited I could explode! But I won't, because that would hurt.
I have to find out more about the infomercial... I keep thinking "things could change. He could change his mind" but the fact that he sees something in me makes me feel more amazing then I have felt in a long time.

So thats the story... sweatin' it out with Richard and having a great time doing so.
I really appreciate all the support I have been getting. I feel like this is the time to change my life. 

Here we go!!

Love, love, love you LOTS!