Friday, October 23, 2009


Hello Friends!!

It has been a few weeks since I posted anything- so I thought I would give you a short and sweet update.

I have hit, a bit, of a plateau in my weight loss- stopping at 40-41LBS. This is something easily fixed, because truth of the matter is I haven't been as diligent with my exercise as I had been. I got to kick it up a notch again. So no excuses... and I am not upset about it, I just need to re-group and start moving more. We'll call this last month a nice and easy transition into "real world" movement. :)

Beyond the weight- I have, officially, been accepted onto the Birthright Israel trip this December!! I am so excited I cannot even begin to describe it. Two months from now I will be in the Holy Land- the birth place of mine, and many others, religious beliefs. See---- STOKED!!

Sherry and I did the AIDS walk last weekend. We had a good group of friends walking with us. It was humid, and we were tired, but it was AMAZING to be a part of 30,000 people all walking together for the same reason. It reminded me how strong we are as individuals and how strong we can be when we work together for a good cause. It really was a pleasure.

Halloween is coming up... and I have no idea what I am going to be. Maybe I'll be Jewish... or brunette... :) Whatever, I just need to think of something. The closer it gets to the big day the more and more  I am thinking it might have to be a WeHo event. Mainly because we haven't planned ahead enough- and I think WeHo is one of those Halloween events I need to try once, then subsequently, never do it again. Good news is this- Moses has a costume. He wore it once, got some great pics and I will probably never make him wear it again... my little frog prince ;)

It is official- Candi and I are joining the "Muddy Buddy" race the weekend of December 6th in Temecula! It is going to be flippin' rad! It's a 10k of switching between jogging and biking as a team, then you finish together by crawling through a vat of mud and getting showered with BEER!!!! Yes, BEER!!! It is more laid back then a lot of races out there- for instance they encourage costumes- Batman and Robin may be living up to our title... that's gonna be our team name. I'm thinking we are going to make a weekend event of it and camp-out Saturday night for some fun times!! If you are interested in joining us look it up online and come on down- should be AWESOME!!!

So the plan for the next few months is to drop another 20lbs... and I know I can do it!! If not, I will not be happy- I will be happy as long as my number keeps falling. But, I will be very pleased to announce on my 25th birthday that I have lost 60lbs!!

Alright, back to work. I love, love, love you all! Thanks for being a part of my life!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Changed for Good


So a lot has happened in the last few weeks. 
I have, finally, finished the DVD. It was an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Marisa and Candi came out for a visit and we had an AMAZING weekend- just what the doctor ordered.
AND I am coming closer to find out if I am going to get on the trip I want for Birthright in December! 
Not to mention... as of this morning I have lost 39 pounds!! CHALLA!!!!!!!

So all is great in the land of Leya!

I have started a new routine, to save money and add more movement into my days.
I wake up early and take Moses for a long walk. Then come home during lunch and go for a long walk... then come home in the evening and go for a walk/jog at the park. 
I save money on daycare... make Moses happy... AND make myself happy by moving a lot!! It's a win win.

I went hiking for the first time in over a year!!! It was awesome, and it was also a huge reminder that I constantly need to change up my routine so my body doesn't become accustomed to anything- keep my metabolism on it's toes! I was in pain! It was bloody hard... and I have been dancing and working out non stop, so I was a little pissed, lol. But it was great- it was a perfect way to start the day with my roomie. Then we went and ate chinese food with my family... but I was good- I promise.

My back has been killing me... but I feel like I understand it a bit more and since I did the video I know I can do absolutely anything!

You know, it's funny- I set a goal of losing 50LBS before my trip/birthday and I think I might have to change it to 60. I am still losing and still eating right and working out and have a positive attitude... and this is the first time where I don't feel like I am dieting- this is a permanent change in my life, and I am aware and pleased with my decisions.

I have created a team for the Los Angeles AIDS walk- our name is "Axel Foley"... because Sherry and I couldn't think of anything else. She said it, I typed it... and it was done.
It should be a lot of fun and just another good cause that helps increase my health and HIV/AIDS awareness. If you would like to join us let me know and I will sign you up! It's on October 18th in West Hollywood- starts at 8:30AM. Do it... seriously. Besides- how many times in life will you be in a team named "Axel Foley"??

So that's about it... my life is great and I am very blessed for the last few months. 

Take care of yourself... see you at the finish line!!!

Love, Love, Love you all!!!!!