Well, yesterday I hobbled (because my legs feel like they were put on a renaissance era torture contraption) into the gym for my assessment.
To my dismay, he took my measurements in full view of everyone in the lobby... this gym is smaller and older than others... and in front of a manager fighting with the girl at the front desk. I wanted to turn around and tell them both to be professional and shut the fuck up, but since I have got 10 free training sessions, I decided it would be better to keep my mouth shut and just think about what assholes they were.
I am not the biggest fan of getting measured. And in this instance, in this hostile environment I felt pretty damn insecure. But, I went ahead and did it because it is important in determining success.
The number on the scale might not move every week, but the inches will. The scale, after all, is only one tool in the battle of the bulge.
So the, very HOT, gentleman wrapped me with the tape.He took my neck, Shoulders, waist, thighs, arms & hip measurements. And when he was done, he added them all up (gross). Well, the numbers are not what I want them to be, obviously (I wouldn't be paying for personal training if they were!)... but I am GLAD that I did them, because this morning I called my old Lindora clinic. Lindora is where I learned good eating habits, the clinic where I got my daily shots of B12 and also weighed in every morning! I asked them for my last set of measurements. Now, I knew they wouldn't be exact, because the trainer yesterday measured my waist from a different point than they did at Lindora. BUT... I am pleased to report that I have lost somewhere over 40 inches from my body! This is a rough estimate, because they didn't have my arm measurements and these older numbers were not from the very beginning of my journey-- in fact, it was just after I shot "Sweatin' to the Oldies 5"--- so I don't have exact numbers. BUT... based on what I do have, that is the nice ROUND number I am looking at!
It's pretty freakin' cool! 40 INCHES!!!
That is something to be proud of...
I have dropped 5 (sometimes 6) dress sizes and somewhere around 40 inches from my frame!
It's pretty bad ass, when you think about it.
Now it is time to drop some more inches. I am focusing with my trainer on my waist and my arms - remember one of my goals for summer is to wear tank tops with nothing covering my arms - and with these workoutsI am positive I will see some great results!
If you haven't taken your measurements, TAKE THEM! It is so important in showing your progress. Do not rely only on the scale, because that shit will fuck with your head!! Trust... I have almost thrown it out my window onNUMEROUS occasions.
August 1, 2011 will be 2 years since I started this journey (technically the end of July, but I don't know the exact day so I go with August 1st).
I plan to see some AMAZING results by then. Let's get this show on the road!!!
Love, LOVE & MORE L-O-V-E!!! 

You're doing so awesome! It's really inspiring to watch your journey. GO YOU!