Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Changed for Good


So a lot has happened in the last few weeks. 
I have, finally, finished the DVD. It was an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Marisa and Candi came out for a visit and we had an AMAZING weekend- just what the doctor ordered.
AND I am coming closer to find out if I am going to get on the trip I want for Birthright in December! 
Not to mention... as of this morning I have lost 39 pounds!! CHALLA!!!!!!!

So all is great in the land of Leya!

I have started a new routine, to save money and add more movement into my days.
I wake up early and take Moses for a long walk. Then come home during lunch and go for a long walk... then come home in the evening and go for a walk/jog at the park. 
I save money on daycare... make Moses happy... AND make myself happy by moving a lot!! It's a win win.

I went hiking for the first time in over a year!!! It was awesome, and it was also a huge reminder that I constantly need to change up my routine so my body doesn't become accustomed to anything- keep my metabolism on it's toes! I was in pain! It was bloody hard... and I have been dancing and working out non stop, so I was a little pissed, lol. But it was great- it was a perfect way to start the day with my roomie. Then we went and ate chinese food with my family... but I was good- I promise.

My back has been killing me... but I feel like I understand it a bit more and since I did the video I know I can do absolutely anything!

You know, it's funny- I set a goal of losing 50LBS before my trip/birthday and I think I might have to change it to 60. I am still losing and still eating right and working out and have a positive attitude... and this is the first time where I don't feel like I am dieting- this is a permanent change in my life, and I am aware and pleased with my decisions.

I have created a team for the Los Angeles AIDS walk- our name is "Axel Foley"... because Sherry and I couldn't think of anything else. She said it, I typed it... and it was done.
It should be a lot of fun and just another good cause that helps increase my health and HIV/AIDS awareness. If you would like to join us let me know and I will sign you up! It's on October 18th in West Hollywood- starts at 8:30AM. Do it... seriously. Besides- how many times in life will you be in a team named "Axel Foley"??

So that's about it... my life is great and I am very blessed for the last few months. 

Take care of yourself... see you at the finish line!!!

Love, Love, Love you all!!!!!

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