I have been looking back at old posts, I think it's important to remember the journey, and I am totally baffled by how far I have come. It's so exciting!!!
I mean, I have almost lost 100 lbs!!!! That's a backstreet boy!
I am so proud of myself. Yes, that is right... I am proud of me.
It's such a strange and exciting place to be. I am sitting here, at work, and my legs are curled up in my chair. I have plenty of room on either side of me, and I am wearing pants that are 5 sizes smaller. This happened. I have done it... not done with it, but I have changed my life in the best of ways.
Little things have changed for me...
When I go sit in booths now I no longer get scared that I won't fit or my boobs will be sitting on the table.
My clothes are easier to pack for trips!
I can cross my legs!
My back doesn't hurt me on a daily basis.
I feel sexy!
None of my old clothes fit- which is also a pain in the ass! :)
I make it thru an entire workout and still want to move.
I don't sleep the day away anymore!
I can shop anywhere!!!!!!!
I don't feel like the ugly girl anymore - but this one still needs some work on certain occasions.
I am excited to fly and see how big the seatbelt is on me now!
These are such exciting small victories that have me giggling at random points throughout my day. I am LOVING this!
I also wore a tank top to the gym for the past two weeks. Anyone who knows me, knows this is a huge feet. The arms don't get as small as easily and I am very insecure about it. BUT I am doing it to keep myself motivated AND because the tanks show off the waist I have earned way more than my over-sized t-shirts.
I am coming into a body that I have never known, and instead of being scared of it, I am now sooooo ready for it. It's exciting. I think it might take some getting used to- I might need friends to force me to try on things I never would have chosen because I couldn't... but I am READY for it. I am ready to really find myself. I have been hiding for way too long.
When I hit the 100lbs mark I have decided I am going to celebrate. It is going to start with a party at Slimmons and end with a night of dancing and laughter with friends! The same way I started is the way I want to commemorate my achievements!
I will let you all know when this is going to happen. I have 16lbs... could be a month- or even two... but it is happening before my year mark!
I love, love, love you all! I am worth it and you are too!!!! Get everything you want and deserve in this life, because we only get one!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for being there for me!!!!!! XOXOXOXO